About the Journal

Focus and reach

The Griot Journal is an annual publication of the Counseling Department for Student Development (DCODE) from the Dean of Students of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, to foment and facilitate the circulation of theoretical and research work in the following disciplines: professional counseling, rehabilitation,psychology, social work, and other related disciplines. The aim of these contributions is to reach universities, research centers, mental health centers, education centers, and people interested in sharing academic experienciences in counseling, psychology, social work, and other related disciplines. This is an annual publication and each volume comprises of the months of January to December of the corresponding year.

The Journal receives articles year round however, they should be sent on or before June 31st to be considered for the corresponding year‘s publication. The articles that are received after the due date will be evaluated for following year‘s volume. Only one manuscript will be accepted per author for review for each number. 

Peer-review process

The arbitration process is based on peer review. Given this fact the Review Board of the Griot Journal will respect and accept the decisions of the arbitrators in a manner that maintains the transparency of the process. A double blind system is utilized whereby the authors and arbitrators are anonymous.

 The people who comprise the group of arbitrators is designated by the Review Board of the Griot Journal. Once the group of arbitrators has been constituted, the Review Board will evaluate the article topics submitted for publication and consider for the edition those world renowned professionals recognized for their professional and academic trajectory.

Taking into consideration the aforementioned, the arbitration norms that will govern the process will now be defined.

Anyone submitting a manuscript for publication to the Griot Journal should be advised  that the process DOES NOT ENTAIL SHIPPING AND HANDLING COSTS. Additionally, it should be noted that  an anonymous arbitration body will be evaluate their manuscript using a double blind system.

The manuscript sent for evaluation to the Griot Journal should be unedited, this means that original copy should not be previously published (Certification of Originality). The certification of originality should be included as a complementary document and in PDF format with the required signatures. To access the certification of originality document you should have been previously registered and had initiated a session with a username. Each author is intellectually responsible of the content in their manuscript, which means that it exonerates the members of the Editorial and Advisory Committee of any error or omission of said content.

The manuscript should be accompanied by another document with a brief biography of the author or authors which should include their name, academic preparation, institutional affiliation and their current position, and e-mail and postal address. This information should be a separate document from the manuscript being evaluated.

The Review Board will submit each manuscript received to a pre-evaluation process using the General Criteria for Article Review to determine if it complies with the criteria established in the Guidelines for the authors and the Review Policy. Meeting the general criteria does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication.

  1. The manuscript should be unedited, which means that it has not been previously published. Please provide a signed and scan document in PDF format as a complementary document. (Certification of Originality). THE REVIEW BOARD WILL NOT EVALUATE ANY MANUSCRIPT UNTIL THE CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY IS RECEIVED.
  2. A separate document with a brief biography of the author or authors which should include their name, academic preparation, institutional affiliation and current position, and email and postal address. This information should be separate from the manuscript to be evaluated.
  3. The manuscript should either be written in the Spanish or English language.
  4. The manuscript should follow the style as put forth by the APA guidelines in terms of content and format. Please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. IMPORTANT NOTE: In the event that article does not comply with the requirements it will not be submitted for review.
  5. The document should be sent either in Microsoft Word format or OpenOffice format.
  6. It should include the title of the article in English and in Spanish. If the manuscript and title is written in Spanish it should be translated to English. The same should be done if it is the opposite.
  7. It should include an abstract or summary that does not exceed 250 words in English and in Spanish.
  8. It should include 3 to 4 keywords in both English and Spanish.
  9. A maximum of 4 tables, figures, or images in total. These should be included at the end of the manuscript specifying where they should be inserted.
  10. Titles of books and for emphasizing purposes should use Italics, no underlining.
  11. Endnotes should be used instead of footnotes.
  12. The reference section should be included at the end of the article not as a footnote.
  13. Place URLs and DOI in the references when possible.

If the manuscript meets all the General Criteria for the Review of Articles, it will then be sent for an anonymous review of at least two evaluators (arbitrators) who are members of the Advisory Committee.

Publication Frequency

The Griot Journal publishes a number annually in the month of December. This publication includes articles received and accepted during the month of January and December. Even though, the Journal receives articles year round, only those received on or before July 31st will be considered for the volume of the corresponding year in progress. The articles that have been received after the date mentioned above will be evaluated for the next year‘s volume.

Open Access Policy

The Griot Journal‘s mission is to spread scientific knowledge in the following areas: counseling, psychology, social work, and other related disciplines, provide open and immediate access to all content taking into consideration its guiding principle of providing free of charge to the public the results of research for the purpose of disseminating information globally. Those interested can read, download, save, copy, distribute, print, use, search, or cite the complete text or parts of the articles. This Journal follows the Creative Commons (CC) of Attribution – Non commercial – Share Alike, 4.0 International license: " The material created can be distributed, copied, and exhibited by third parties if they acknowledge the source. No commercial benefit can be obtained and the derivative works have to be under the same licensing terms as the original". The CC licenses are based on the creative liberty principle with academic, scientific, and cultural ends. These CC licenses complement the author‘s right without opposing it.

Additionally, to increase visibility and the impact of the articles, they will be sent to a database, a system of indexing and summary. At the same time, these articles can be referenced and downloaded on the Journal‘s website.

Ethical Principles Adopted in the Griot Journal

The articles published in the Griot Journal will be submitted for review under the ethical  and legal standards of the country where the research took place. For this reason, the author whose work is accepted for publication should sign a originality declaration (Certification of Originality) which specifies that the article is original, that it meets with the ethical guidelines for publication, it is unedited, because it has not been published nor submitted for review simultaneously to other journals, and it has no conflict of interest, if in fact it has received financial support.The editors, revisors (Advisory Committee), and authors should follow the ethical guidelines laid out in Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) with the goal of avoiding fabrication, falsification, omission of data, plagiarism, and the lack of adherence to revision politics when reviewing submitted manuscripts. As a point of clarification, the fabrication of the results occurs when data is created by the authors; the fabrication results from the manipulation of data, and changed by the author; the omission originates when the authors deliberately conceals data or facts, and plagiarism, is when the author presents ideas and/or data like their own. Lastly, the cases of plagiarism consists of a direct copy of the text without citing or quoting the source, modification of some words of the text, paraphrasing, and the lack of acknowledgment.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.