
Checklist for Preparation of Submissions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission meets all of the elements shown below. Submissions not complying with these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

  • All submissions must be written in English or Spanish and should represent the original work of the authors.
  • Articles should be unpublished. Submission to the Journal's Editorial Board requires a commitment not to submit the article simultaneously to other publications.
  • A work that meets all the requirements for excellence but is only a repetition of the ideas the author has presented in other articles will not be submitted to the peer evaluation process unless it constitutes a new synthesis of the author's thought or a revision of his previous conceptions.
  • The corresponding author must send a document with the title of the manuscript and each author's name, affiliation, telephone number, institutional email address, and ORCID. When authors have more than one first name and more than one surname, their first and last names must be separated by a hyphen.
  • Submissions should be no longer than 20 pages, single-spaced (8.5" x 11.5"), with 1” margins, including tables and references. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12.
  • The article title must not exceed 15 words and be sent in Spanish and English.
  • Articles must be preceded by an abstract drafted in English and Spanish (125 words maximum each). The abstract should be followed by a maximum of five keywords in both languages.
  • Notes should be brief and be limited to marginal clarifications of the text; they should not be used to indicate only bibliographical entries. Notes must be consecutively numbered in the text and appear at the page's bottom.
  • Submissions should be written consistently following the style and format of the latest version of the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  • All tables, figures, and graphs must include the source and must be sent in an editable format (not as an image). The publication of the tables, figures, and graphs sent by the authors are subject to being adjusted to the dimensions of the journal, without having to divide them over more than one page and without affecting their legibility. The editor may reduce, reformat, or eliminate those tables, figures, and graphs sent by the authors that cannot be adjusted to the dimensions of the journal.
  • Critical book reviews must include the following:
    • Type of book (i.e. textbook, manual, biography)
    • Title of book and number of pages
    • Last name, first name of the author
    • Translator’s name (if any)
    • Publisher, city, and date of publication
    • ISBN
    • The review should be about 750-1000 words.
    • The author should briefly summarize the book, noting especially its main topics and theses, and analyze the book's strengths and weaknesses with examples. You may also evaluate the book compared to other significant works in the field. Finally, include a conclusion that brings together the review's main points but is more than a synopsis of what has been said.
  • Research articles and book reviews must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document to "Fórum".
  • Technical and professional articles must be submitted as a Microsoft Word Document to "Praxis".
  • Authors will receive a copy of their article, as it will appear in the journal before publication. They will have 24 hours to review it and inform the editor of any content and layout errors that must be corrected. If the authors fail to review their article and notify the editor of any errors within the given deadline, they will be responsible for any errors that the published version may have.

Guidelines for authors

Fórum Empresarial continually accepts collaborations of an academic and practical nature for future editions. Theoretical and empirical contributions will be considered —research papers, technical-professional articles, and book reviews— original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The time between receipt of the article and the response from the Editorial Board is one to three months. The diligence of referees in examining an article and submitting their comments is beyond our control. The journal's commitment is to carry out this process quickly and send the referees' comments to the author as soon as they are received.

The estimated time between receipt of the articles and their publication is six months. However, this will depend on the diligence of the referees in sending their comments and opinions and the authors in responding to them and resubmitting their articles. The evaluation and management of articles will be conducted in electronic format.

Please refer to the "Checklist for Preparation of Submissions" to the journal. Strict compliance with the requirements indicated in this list may speed up the time between receipt and consideration of the articles, as it will prevent them from being returned to the authors for not complying with them.

Copyright notice

By submitting a collaboration for the Editorial Board of Fórum Empresarial's consideration, the authors ensure that the work submitted is original and unpublished, that it has not been nor will be sent simultaneously to another journal for consideration and publication, that they are responsible for the work carried out and the content of the article, and that they have the corresponding copyright.

The authors assign to Fórum Empresarial the economic rights for the first publication of their work in any physical or electronic medium and format, including the Internet. This publication will be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, which allows third parties to share the work as long as its author and Fórum Empresarial are indicated as the first publication.

The journal allows authors to maintain publication rights without restrictions. The authors may adopt other non-exclusive license agreements to distribute the published version of the work (for example, depositing it in an institutional telematic archive or publishing it in a monographic volume), provided that the initial publication in Fórum Empresarial is indicated.

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The names and email addresses registered on this website will be used exclusively for Fórum Empresarial and will not be shared with any person or entity outside the journal.