The effect of support initiatives on the operations and performance of South African worker co-operatives


business performance
co-operative development
small business development
worker co-operatives.

How to Cite

Oelofse, R., & Van der Walt, J. L. (2016). The effect of support initiatives on the operations and performance of South African worker co-operatives. Fórum Empresarial, 21(1 Verano), 1–21.


This study of 111 worker co-operatives registered as clients with the Small Enterprise Development Agency represents a research into the contribution of government support to the business performance and operations of these entities. A relatively successful group was evaluated against unsuccessful ones to establish whether there was any difference in the support received by the groups concerned. Moreover, the performance, operations, and management of supported co-operatives were evaluated against unsupported ones to establish whether the support had made a difference. The results reveal a minimal effect on the co-operatives‘ operations and performance. Recommendations for future development are made.


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