Foreign subsidiary divestment decision process: The pharmaceutical industry experience


divestment decision process
HQ-subsidiary relations
pharmaceutical manufacturing operations in Puerto Rico
subsidiary management styles.

How to Cite

Baquero, L. M., & Longobardi, T. (2014). Foreign subsidiary divestment decision process: The pharmaceutical industry experience. Fórum Empresarial, 19(2 Invierno), 1–30.


This paper aims to examine the decision process for the divestment of foreign subsidiaries, from the perspective of managers of pharmaceutical manufacturing subsidiarieslocated in Puerto Rico. The analysis provides evidence that relations with the parent firms were cooperative and no obstructive, and that foreign management assumed overall control during the implementation of disinvestment decisions; however, there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate involvement as initiator or coordinator of the divestment process or to show they were kept informed before the decision to divest was made. Finally, it showed that the increase in the expiry of patents did not increase participation of executives in the evaluation of their plants.


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