Experimental study of the effect of language (English and Spanish) on advertisement effectiveness with Puerto Rican Hispanic University Students

How to Cite

Lebrón, C. (2002). Experimental study of the effect of language (English and Spanish) on advertisement effectiveness with Puerto Rican Hispanic University Students. Fórum Empresarial, 7(2 Invierno), 2–27. https://doi.org/10.33801/fe.v7i2.3427


Even though the population of Puerto Rico includes a large percent of residents with some knowledge of the English language (bilinguals), the vast majority communicates using Spanish, which is their native language. Not surprisingly, the majority of advertisements in Puerto Rican media use the Spanish language. The common sense assumption that Spanish advertising is significantly superior to English advertising when targeting Puerto Rican Hispanics living in Puerto Rico is tested experimentally in this study. The Social Value component of the Theory of Consumption Values was used to generate several Hypotheses that would favor the use of English language. The experiment used magazine-like printed illustrated advertisements to test the hypotheses, all of them dealing with relative effectiveness of Spanish versus English language advertisements. The results show that Spanish advertisements and English advertisements were about the same in terms of their persuasion effectiveness.

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