Supports and obstacles for the development of microenterprises: perception of their owners
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supports and obstacles
Puerto Rico
government and entrepreneurship
public policy

How to Cite

Cordero-Arroyo, G., Segarra-Alméstica, E. V., Correa-Matos, C., & Rodríguez-Roldán, N. (2019). Supports and obstacles for the development of microenterprises: perception of their owners. Fórum Empresarial, 24(1), 55–95.


The relevance of promoting entrepreneurship as a mean to reduce poverty and increasing assets and jobs in the economy has been pointed out. To assess the viability of this type of policy and the role that the government can play in encouraging or hindering its application, focus groups and in-depth interviews were carried out with the owners of 18 microenterprises. Information was gathered about supporting elements and possible obstacles that had an effect on the development, permanence, or closure of their respective businesses. Among the factors emphasized by participants are informal supports as facilitators and regulation as an obstacle. Interviews findings are triangulated with previous empirical studies, while public policy recommendations are proposed.
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