In defence of relational anthropocentrism: towards a total field image of the environment
Portada No. 114, 2024
PDF (English)


Ecological community
relational anthropocentrism
strong anthropocentrism
intrinsic value
instrumental value

Comment citer

Sintayehu Kassaye, E. (2024). In defence of relational anthropocentrism: towards a total field image of the environment . Diálogos, 55(114), 227–249. Consulté à l’adresse


I argue that strong anthropocentric values are antithetical to environmental ethics. Thus, strong anthropocentrism is responsible for the mistreatment of animals, environmental degradation, and depletion of resources. As an alternative to strong anthropocentrism this paper defends the idea of relational anthropocentrism which stands for the belief that a viable environmental ethics draws on the fundamental interdependence among human beings, animals, plants, and non-animate nature. This position draws on the conviction that human beings are members of the ecological community, and their well-being is inextricably bound to the safety of the animate and non-animate members of this community.

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