Carlos Rojas Osorio‘s Carla Cordua y la filosofía contemporánea is a comprehensive overview of the philosopher‘s works. Her thought is a defense of important conquests of the mind: the variety of reason in Kant, the historical dimension of reason in Hegel, Husserl‘s lifeworld (Lebenswelt), freedom in Sartre (and Kant), human existence‘s factiticy and historicity in Heidegger, the centrality of language in Wittgenstein and Sloterdijk‘s distinctions regarding truth. Cordua‘s work is a statement concerning the variety of reason, as can be shown in the rationality intrinsic to aesthetics, ethics and history. The study of this variety is accompanied by the question of the possible unity of reason, the demarcations between truth and meaning and the considerations of philosophy as a task. Rojas Osorio‘s book will be study in relation to his previous works and his own contributions to philosophy.