La pobreza en puerto rico: Indicadores de pobreza 2000 a 2012


Puerto Rico
medidas de pobreza
pobreza relativa
indicadores FGT


In the context of human development, the identification and measurement of poverty play a central role. Within this context, this article presents a review of various poverty measures estimated for Puerto Rico. Poverty in Puerto Rico is assessed in light of current public policies. Using a family of indicators based on Sen’s teachings, and designed for a more scrupulous identification of the poor Puerto Rican, there is evidence suggesting that poverty on the Island takes a positive trend at the end of the past decade. Contrary to trends in other developed countries, Puerto Rico has witnessed a deepening of poverty, particularly for young people and middle education groups. The deterioration of the labor market and current demographic changes in the Island contribute to poverty intensification for some groups more than others. Among the most affected are women, who comprise 54% of the poor population, those under 18 years of age and those living in households headed by wome



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