Antonio Fernós Isern: soberanista y Luis Muñoz Marín: autonomista; divergencias ideológicas y su efecto en el desarrollo del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico
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Antonio Fernós Isern
Luis Muñoz Marín

How to Cite

Colón Ocasio, R. (2017). Antonio Fernós Isern: soberanista y Luis Muñoz Marín: autonomista; divergencias ideológicas y su efecto en el desarrollo del Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 5(2), 36–43. Retrieved from


The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico was the brainchild of Antonio Fernós Isern, Resider Commissioner from the Island to the United States Congress,who submitted it for this body's consideration and approval in 1950. His proposal contempladed the establishment of a state invested with the degree of sovereignty essential to self-government and associated by mutual consent to the federal union, which would exercise control of national and international affairs. The concept of "limited sovereignty" did not reached full development after the establishment of the Commonwealth in 1952, due to ideological anfd strategic differences that arose between the Resident Commissioner and Governor Luis Muñoz Marín, who embraced the concept of autonomy as the solution to the island's status dilemma.
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