Poesía, historia y educación: Tres dimensiones de una vida consagrada a la creación
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Francisco Lluch Mora

How to Cite

Lluch Vélez, A. (2017). Poesía, historia y educación: Tres dimensiones de una vida consagrada a la creación. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 5(2), 18–22. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/5614


This article identifies and ponders three dimensions that define the life and work of Francisco Lluch Mora in whom the facets of poet, historian and teacher shelter the creator and the person. By focusing on the analysis of his anthology "La lumbre y el ocaso: momento de las alegorías", one can highlight the poet's intention to transcend his circumtances, to understand his inner self, and to give lyrical voice to the secrets that enlighten truth. Lluch combines this task with his vocations of historian and educator, projecting a labor that is a mirror image "of the teaching voice of the educator, spilling into the magical and transcendental expression of the poet..."
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