La inteligencia cervantino-quijoteca: ¿dimensión jesucrística? Una reflexión personal
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existential attitude
Don Quixote
Christian spirituality

How to Cite

Ciordia Muguerza, J. (2017). La inteligencia cervantino-quijoteca: ¿dimensión jesucrística? Una reflexión personal. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 5(2), 8–17. Retrieved from


As the title indicates, this is a loving reflection on the existencial attitude towards life's ups and downs both of Cervantes and of his main character, Don Quixote, who seem to share the same vicissitudes in their existence. In both of them, this attitude reveals itself, beyond all absurdities, as marked by the seal of justice, tolerance, and mercy, a trio of virtues that flow, in essence, at the same time from Alonso Quijano's raw life-stuff, from the exemplary character of the institution of errant Knighthood, and from that of the Master of Nazareth himself. This reflection leads me to suspect, and even affirm, that I have before me a text of authentic Don Quixote Christian spirituality as well as Jesus-like connotations that the seasoned reader will find in its pages again and again.
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