In a playing mood the author describes the correspondences of two poetical interpretations related to the figure of Polyphemus, written in very different times and contexts: a short composition from Metrodorus, a fourth century CE greek marhematician, and Gongora's super Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea. Both poems propose enigmas to their original readers, one in a mathematical question, the other in the deciphering of his allusions and linguistic contortions, which need a sizable amount of erudition. The author performs the exploit of pointing to the presence of unimaginable coincidences, leaving the reader to fathom the unmentioned but intended conclusion that the world is a discordant harmony.
Los artículos son responsabilidad de sus autores y no se autoriza la reproducción de los textos ni de las ilustraciones sin la previa autorización de éstos, quienes, tras la publicación en Ceiba, conservan los derechos de autor de sus trabajos. Esto aplica, de igual manera, al arte que se utiliza en la portada, la contraportada y las páginas que identifican las distintas secciones de la revista.
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