In remembrance of the fiftieth aniversary of this most universal of the poets who have lived among us, this article delivers a psychological analysis coupled to a historicalliterary and philosophical study of the most fundamental and perhaps less known trends in the Spanish culture along the last two centuries. After recounting the main influences in the education of the poet, the author studies the connections between the theological and the literary modernist strains; the nuances of pantheism and panentheism in their Spanish versions of the ninteenth and twentieth centuries; the deep and idiosincratic concept of narcisism in this poet and produces a literary-critical assessment of the poet"s aesthetic principles of this Nobel-prize-winning author.
Los artículos son responsabilidad de sus autores y no se autoriza la reproducción de los textos ni de las ilustraciones sin la previa autorización de éstos, quienes, tras la publicación en Ceiba, conservan los derechos de autor de sus trabajos. Esto aplica, de igual manera, al arte que se utiliza en la portada, la contraportada y las páginas que identifican las distintas secciones de la revista.
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