English Title
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JesusChristly mentality
agonic attitude
everlasting life

How to Cite

Ciordia Muguerza, J. (2009). English Title. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 9(1), 43–59. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/3704


Miguel de Unamuno, in one of his leading novels, depicts the drama of a priest who may have lost the faith, but who out of compassion for his pious parishioners, continues to act, convincingly, as a saintly shepherd. The author of this essay analyzes the theological, philosophical and psychological implications of this dilemma, not only for the priest, but also for Unamuno himself, whose existential vicissitudes and deep spiritual concerns have many a tangential angle with this situation. He meanwhile recreates vividly Unamuno's life context.
PDF (Español (España))
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