After stating his strong admiration for the poet‘s human qualities, the author states that these short remarks are only a humble sizing up, or an approximation to appraisal, as every exercise in poetic criticism should be. The author tells of his getting acquainted with the poet and then involved in studying his poetry. He then points out what angles of his work should be particularly researched: preferred wording, Puerto Rican sensitivity, but also the way Matos Paoli can soar poetically with an amazing freedom even of all sorts of logical straightjackets, dispensing emotions and tender sentiments . As a dweller of an inner world, he can abandon time and space ordinary dimensions to float with his followers towards otherworldly regions. Few people like Matos could make out of every human contact a significant encounter. He also went deeply into the political realm, experienced injustice, infirmity and distress but managed to vanquish over partisanship.
Los artículos son responsabilidad de sus autores y no se autoriza la reproducción de los textos ni de las ilustraciones sin la previa autorización de éstos, quienes, tras la publicación en Ceiba, conservan los derechos de autor de sus trabajos. Esto aplica, de igual manera, al arte que se utiliza en la portada, la contraportada y las páginas que identifican las distintas secciones de la revista.
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