Puerto Rico y otras economías del Caribe, una comparación de la facilidad de hacer negocios de las PYMES basado en los sistemas de permisos
Portada 2024
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Gross Domestic Product

How to Cite

Colón Degró, I. (2024). Puerto Rico y otras economías del Caribe, una comparación de la facilidad de hacer negocios de las PYMES basado en los sistemas de permisos. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 1(1), 63–74. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/21355


This article is based on research carried out by the present author between 2021 and 2022 to establish a comparison of the establishment of SMEs in five economies and to evaluate similarities and differences, based mainly on their permit systems and in light of the results of the positioning of each one in the Doing Business 2020 study. published by the World Bank. In this article, a comparison is made between the systems of permits to do business between these economies, a little of their history, and a relationship is established in an attempt to explain the difference between the positioning of each one. A brief review of theories and research on the subject is made. In addition, aspects of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the per capita income of its inhabitants are analyzed.

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