The impact of multimedia and vocabulary acquisition across basic English I and introduction to speech communication courses
Portada 2022-2023: “Esperanza” Thomas Nicholson


University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

How to Cite

Méndez Seguinot, M. (2023). The impact of multimedia and vocabulary acquisition across basic English I and introduction to speech communication courses. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 22(1), 99–108. Retrieved from


After twelve years of taking English courses, when students come to the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce, they state in the institutional Student Profile that they need to improve their speaking, writing and comprehension skills. In order to meet the demands of more vocabulary and oral practice, the researcher investigated if by adding to the English courses more vocabulary practice, by using multimedia, whether it helped students gain vocabulary and feel more confident when communicating. To analyze this, perception, performance, and aptitude were taken into consideration.

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