Socorro Girón y su tiempo
Portada: “Homenaje a Socorro Girón”, Acrílico Jorge L. Morales Torres
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Socorro Girón
Ponce--Puerto Rico
XX century
Historical transformation
Social changes

How to Cite

Sievens Irizarry, O. (2022). Socorro Girón y su tiempo. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), 24–35. Retrieved from


Socorro Girón was born in Ponce in 1919 and died in her hometown in 2005. During her lifetime she witnessed the transformation of Puerto Rico whose economy was based on sugar cane until the transformation to a stage of industrialization. She witnessed the urban growth of the city and multiple historical events. As an educator she had experiences in private and public schools until culminating with the establishment of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce (1970).

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