El puesto del Homo en el cosmos.
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cosmological anthropological principle

How to Cite

Villalón Sorzano, J. R. (2020). El puesto del Homo en el cosmos. Ceiba: Revista De La Universidad De Puerto Rico En Ponce (en preparación), (1), 44–51. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/ceiba/article/view/17849


The Human being, as most of the animal species, appeared as composed, sexually, of two genders: masculine and feminine which are equally important in their respective functions. Their study must, nevertheless elucidate a number of terms that we use to explain the facts. The Human Being is considered in this paper as the utmost creature of the Universe. The story of the Universe comprenhends a first lapse of time with the sole force of inertia, and appearing afterwards the epoch of auto-echo-organization. It is partially speculative to suggest a third epoch, with almost inimaginable consequences, never visualized by Darwin.
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