Las alcaldías y la gestión del desarrollo sostenible en la ciudad de México
Portada del vol.50, 2019
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Local government
Mexico City
Agenda 2030

How to Cite

Carrera Hernández, A. P. (2019). Las alcaldías y la gestión del desarrollo sostenible en la ciudad de México. Revista De Administración Pública, 50(1), 51–77. Retrieved from


Metropolises around the world work based on their local government‘s coordination mechanisms, which adopt several forms. However, no matter the type of institutional arrangements, those that help to promote effective policies for sustainable cities share some common features: some degree of fiscal autonomy, specified powers to perform a range of functions, accountability mechanisms, institutional capacities, effective mechanisms for
citizens participation, etc. Mexico City has a population of nine million people. Its metropolitan area encompasses 16 Alcaldías, 59 municipalities in the State of Mexico, and one in the State of Hidalgo. Beyond the fact that Mexican legislation forbids any way of metropolitan government, within Mexico City, its 16 local governments work with limited conditions to make this metropolis a sustainable place. The paper aims to show how those changes have not transformed the limitations faced by Mexico City‘s local governments to support the SDG.

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