About the Journal


  • Scope and Approach:

The Journal of Public Administration, a pioneer in its field since 1964, publishes research articles, as well as critical analysis on the issues and problems of public administration, public policies and the State. It also publishes papers, technical articles of special value for public administration, and book reviews. It is an annual publication sponsored by the Graduate School of Public Administration of the University of Puerto Rico.

  • Peer Evaluation Process:

The Journal of Public Administration has a local and international Editorial Council. The majority are members from outside the editorial team, the publishing institution and are specialists in the different areas of Public Administration and related disciplines.

Received contributions are reviewed by the Administrative Council and Editorial Board to determine if they meet the purpose and standards of the journal. Those that comply with these will be selected and reviewed according to a system of peers by up to two evaluators of the Editorial Council through the "double-blind" method. All papers submitted to the Journal of Public Administration will be evaluated according to strict quality criteria. The only non-arbitrated contributions are book reviews.

Once the evaluators agree in their appreciation of the writing, the determination will be accepted. If there is disagreement between them, the article may be submitted for consideration by a third evaluator.

The determination of the evaluators can be:

  • Conditional acceptance - The author must review the aspects indicated and return it as corrected within the established period of time.
  • Acceptance as submitted - The author must complete the publication authorization form within the established timeframe.
  • Denied - The author is notified by email.

It is estimated that the evaluation will take up to five (5) months. Once accepted, the Editor will notify the estimated publication date.

If the work is accepted, the Journal of Public Administration reserves the right to make the style correction, the editorial changes it deems necessary to improve the document, and to publish the articles within 6 months after approval.

The Journal of Public Administration is published through Open Journal System (OJS) platform and adopts the principles of open access. All articles will be freely accessible through the OJS once the transition is complete.

Authors will not receive payment for the published article. Published articles become the property of the Journal of Public Administration and may only be published in other media with the prior authorization of the Editorial Board.

For collaborations to undergo the peer review process, they must comply with the following:

  1. All articles submitted to the Journal of Public Administration must be unpublished.
  2. Articles can be published in English and Spanish.
  3. Articles must be double-spaced, on letter-size paper (8 ½" X 11") and with 1" margins.
  4. The author's name will appear only on a separate page of the text. It will also indicate the author's institutional affiliation.
  5. The entire content of the article must be in black and white.
  6. Authors should send their article to revista.adpu@upr.edu, with attention to Editor of the Journal of Public Administration.
  7. Articles will have a maximum of 11,000 words (approximately 32 pages) with double spacing, including notes and bibliography.
  8. Articles must be preceded by an abstract in Spanish and one in English of no more than 250 words. At the end of each abstract, authors will insert three or four keywords or phrases that describe the content of the article. It will include the keywords in English and Spanish.
  9. Authors should submit with their article a two or three sentence bio-bibliographic abstract indicating their current professional position, institutional affiliation and their most recent publications.
  10. Article titles should not be longer than eight words.
  11. Articles should use various subtitles and headings to facilitate reading.
  12. Notes should be brief (usually no more than three sentences) and limited to marginal clarifications of the text; they should not be used for bibliographic references. The notes should appear at the end of the article, before the references, under the title "Notes" and be numbered consecutively throughout the text.
  13. All works cited in the text should appear in the list of references and vice versa.
  14. Tables and graphs essential for a better understanding of the article should not be included in the text, but at the end of it (according to APA format). Each illustration should appear on a separate page and have its own number and descriptive title. The author should indicate his approximate location in the text with a phrase such as "insert Table 1 here".
  15. Limit illustrations (maps, charts, tables and graphs) to those strictly necessary. They should include their respective fonts and be in black and white (grayscale mode), without frames or shading, in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) or JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) format and 300 dip (dot per inch / dots per inch) resolution. Also, the letters must have a minimum size of 7 dots high, the images must not be sent in layers and the dimensions must conform to the format of the Journal.
  16. Due to editorial policy, the journal reserves the right to publish too wide illustrations. No photos are accepted.
  17. Typography tests will be available for three days prior to publication. Authors may review and correct the proofs if they wish, but may not make changes to the content of the article.
  18. References to other authors throughout the text will be made using the APA format. They should mention the surname, date of publication and the page of the citation.
  19. Complete bibliographic records of all cited works should appear at the end of the article under the heading "References", according to the APA format.
  20. 70% of the cited references must be recent (last five years), except historical works.
  • Open Access Policy:

The Journal of Public Administration is distributed free of charge and is freely available under open access practices, in accordance with Creative Commons licenses. The Journal of Public Administration allows readers to search, read, copy, download, print, distribute or link to the full text of articles, as well as use them for any legal purpose; on the sole condition that due credit is given to the author. The Journal of Public Administration supports immediate open access to its content, based on the principle of providing the public with free access to research and aiding greater global exchange of knowledge.

  • Call for Papers:

The Editorial Board of the Journal of Public Administration has an open call for manuscripts for possible publication; consequently, the journal is continuously accepting academic and practical contributions for future editions. Theoretical and empirical contributions, research work, critical analysis on issues and problems of public administration, public policies and the State will be considered. It also publishes papers, technical articles of special value for public administration, and book reviews. The Journal of Public Administration does not charge authors for sending, processing and publishing articles. Guidelines for the presentation of articles can be found in this section, under Peer Review Process, and in the Submissions section, under Guidelines for Authors.

  • Policy on Detection of Plagiarism and Misconduct in Research:

The Journal of Public Administration actively rejects plagiarism and fraudulent practices; therefore, manuscripts will be examined for the possibility of plagiarism using electronic plagiarism detection tools. The journal will immediately reject articles representing any kind of plagiarism. If irrefutable evidence of plagiarism is found, an explanation will be required from the person who submitted the article. In the event that he or she fails to respond within the stipulated time or provides an unsatisfactory explanation, the plagiarist will be disqualified from submitting an article in the journal for a minimum of five years. If necessary, other actions may be considered and taken. In the event of possible misconduct in research related to an article submitted to or published in the journal, the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics will be followed to address such allegations.

  • Digital Archives Preservation Policy:

The Journal of Public Administration preserves its digital archives in several ways and in different places; these are: Google Drive, the server of the Portal of Academic Magazines of the University of Puerto Rico, the Institutional Repository of the University of Puerto Rico and an external memory device.