A Look at Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Gender Violence in Puerto Rico
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gender violence
economic abuse
feminist research
feminist social work

How to Cite

Silva Martínez, E., Cardenas, I., Vazquez Pagan, J., & Rivera Rodríguez, H. (2022). A Look at Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Gender Violence in Puerto Rico. AnálisiS, 18(1). https://doi.org/10.54114/revanlisis.v18i1.19489


Gender violence has been widely considered an urgent matter to be addressed from a human rights and social justice approach. Despite the fact that its many manifestations have been researched, little has been studied about the economic factors that influence gender violence, especially economic abuse. This article presents an analysis focused on the problem of economic abuse against women in Puerto Rico. This study uses baseline data from 146 survivors of gender-based violence who participated in a larger study with women in the United States and Puerto Rico, analyzing specific data from the sample of women who resided in Puerto Rico and completed a survey in Spanish. In addition, from a feminist social work standpoint, it analyzes the reality of women who survive economic abuse by their partners or ex-partners and offers recommendations for action in the different dimensions of work with victims and survivors of gender violence and economic abuse.

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