About the Journal


Double Vision: Criticism and Art History magazine is a virtual publication created in March 2013, born with the fundamental purpose of making Puerto Rican art known through art criticism, reviews of publications on the subject, interviews with personalities of the national artistic panorama, and of essays related to the artistic and architectural actuality that develops in this context. To this initial purpose was added, later, the interest to expand the geographical scope of the magazine and thus cover broader topics, both today and in previous stages of art history.

Vision Doble is generated from the Art History Program of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus, and is indexed in networks and databases such as Latindex and MIAR. The publication opens a series of windows to the historical and critical reflection on the multiple manifestations of art and architecture through different sections, such as interviews, analysis of exhibitions, museums, books and works of art, with research as the foundation Primordial in all of them.

This academic journal is a space open to the contributions of researchers with extensive experience but without forgetting the importance of serving as a platform for the perspectives of authors who begin an incipient career in these areas. In all cases, the criteria for the publication of texts is based on the relevance of their proposals, the quality of their ideas and the rigor of their analysis.

Publication rules:

Double Vision: Criticism and Art History magazine accepts original texts to evaluate its publication, which must be adapted to any of the sections that integrate its content: exhibitions, interviews, works, museums, books and essays. Texts are admitted periodically, provided they conform to the scope of art history and criticism, both in Puerto Rico and in an international context.

The texts should be sent to the magazine's email: vision.doble@upr.edu
The editorial committee will confirm receipt of the text within a maximum period of ten days, after which it will proceed to a peer review process, specialists in the field, according to the characteristics of the text and the section in which will post.

Review process:

The texts to be published in a semiannual issue of the journal (special or thematic) will go through the evaluation of at least two reviews by specialists in the field. Of these two, at least one will follow the double-blind process by an external evaluator. The other evaluations (s) will go through a double-blind or single-blind process, at the discretion of the editor of the number (special or thematic) or of the editorial committee of the magazine.

The texts for publication outside the semiannual issues will follow a peer review process that, according to their characteristics, will be determined by the editorial committee. Those texts to be published in the Essays section will have two evaluations, one of them double-blind or single, and the other by a member of the editorial committee.

The texts to be published in the rest of the sections (interviews, exhibitions, museums, works and books) will go through the process of an evaluation, simple or open blind, at the discretion of the editorial committee.

The authors will receive, as soon as possible, the results of the evaluation, with information on the decision to accept or deny the publication, or to recommend it after conducting a review that contributes to improving the quality of the text.

The rules of style and the information that must accompany the texts are the following:

1. Times New Roman style, size 12, double spacing.
2. The length of the texts is variable, and can be extended, depending on the genre of the text, between 700 and 3,500 words. The author may request a reduction or extension of the number of words, justifying the case.
3. Citations and references must conform to the MLA system. You can get more detailed information on the website: https://www.mla.org/style. Criticisms and reviews of exhibits should not include footnotes.
4. The text must also contain a summary of about 30 words and 5 keywords that allude to its content.
5. The text should be illustrated with images in JPEG format, each incorporating a fit with the basic data for identification (author, title, year, location, credits).

Authors can use the Template to submit articles, available at this link.

Unless otherwise indicated, all Double Vision content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial Use-Non-derivative license. The indication of the use and distribution license, CC-by-nc-nd, must be expressly stated in this way when necessary. Can co