Visión Doble: Revista de Crítica e Historia del Arte

Current Issue

Published July 15, 2021
Academic publication focused on Criticism and History of Art in a global context, with an emphasis on Puerto Rican art. This academic review is an open space to the investigators 'experiences with dilated experience per se olvidar also the importance of serving platform to the authors' perspectives that start a career in these areas. In all cases, the criterion for the publication of the texts is based on the relevance of its proposals, the quality of its ideas and the rigor of its analysis.
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This academic journal is an open space for contributions from researchers with extensive experience, but without forgetting the importance of serving as a platform for the perspectives of authors who are beginning a career in these areas. In all cases, the criteria for publication of the texts is based on the relevance of their proposals, the quality of their ideas and the rigor of their analysis.