When your job is too small for you: Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Perceived Job Overqualification Scale (PJOS)
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Perceived job overqualification
Psychometric analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis
Person-job fit

How to Cite

Rodríguez Montalbán, R., Andino Collado, K., Cartagena Pérez, P., Collazo Aymat, O., Medina Ayala, I. J., Mercado Ojeda, N., … Vélez Ruiz, S. (2022). When your job is too small for you: Analysis of the psychometric properties of the Perceived Job Overqualification Scale (PJOS). Psicologías, 5, 89–121. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/psicologias/article/view/19511


Perceived job overqualification is a psychosocial phenomenon that can affect people in their workplace and that occurs when employees perceive that they have abilities and skills that exceed the requirements of their job. To better understand how this phenomenon occurs in Puerto Rico and Spanish-speaking countries, it is necessary to have adequate instruments for its measurement. The purpose of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Perceived Job Overqualification Scale (PJOS): construct validity, convergent and discriminant validity, item analysis, and reliability. The sample consisted of 400 participants from various labor sectors in Puerto Rico. The results show that the PJOS has a bi-factorial structure (job needs and excess resources) with appropriate levels of validity and reliability. In light of the findings, we conclude that the PJOS is an excellent instrument to measure perceived job overqualification in different work contexts in Puerto Rico and other Spanish-speaking countries, as well as a useful tool for research and organizational interventions.

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