Fatiga compasiva: ¿Cómo preservar la integridad emocional y física de los actores participantes en el trabajo comunitario?
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Desgaste por angustia
Fatiga compasiva
Trabajo comunitario
Psicología comunitaria

How to Cite

Rebollo Becerra, G., Asencio Torres, V., & Velázquez Pérez, O. (2022). Fatiga compasiva: ¿Cómo preservar la integridad emocional y física de los actores participantes en el trabajo comunitario?. Psicologías, 5, 151–179. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/psicologias/article/view/18974


Community-based work can represent a burden filled with stress, fatigue and burnout for those who assume main roles in such spaces, for example those who serve as community leaders. The levels of stress are triggered and increased by being exposed to traumatic experiences such as atmospheric events, like hurricanes, earthquakes and landslides, to name a few. The effects caused by stress and burnout can be experienced both physically and emotionally. Having the tools and skillset to handle these types of situations are necessary in order to fully perform the functions and responsibilities that this type of work entails. Knowing when to step back and taking time for self-care, are a few of the options that help mitigate the adverse effects that community-based work might represent. Throughout this work we lay out the effects that the community-based work might cause and provide different alternatives to manage these situations.

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