New Habituality: The invitation to inhabit and inhabit oneself in a pandemic humanity
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New habituality
Paradigm of inclusion

How to Cite

Schneider, C. S. (2021). New Habituality: The invitation to inhabit and inhabit oneself in a pandemic humanity. Psicologías, 4, 135–146. Retrieved from


The term new normal has been imposed from the mass media with the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, to define the socio-labor and recreational process of returning to usual activities. However, normality is a term questioned from the Social and Human Sciences, particularly if we are working and investigating in the Paradigm of Inclusion. New habituality, on the other hand, allows us to refer to the same process without entering contradictions with vocabulary to which we do not adhere. From the normal/abnormal category, we justify why we propose and disclose new habituality.

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