Protein Nutritional Value of Ground Okra Seed in Rat Feeding Trials

How to Cite

Savello, P. A., Martin, F. W., & Hill, J. M. (1985). Protein Nutritional Value of Ground Okra Seed in Rat Feeding Trials. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 69(1), 35–44.


The relative protein nutritional value of okra seed protein was estimated by protein efficiency ratio and relative protein value assays with growing rats. The form in which okra seed meal was presented in the diet influenced the amount that was eaten, and, hence protein efficiency ratio, but relative protein value compensates for this difference. Freshly ground okra seed retarded growth of rats but heating the ground seed meal or aging it up to 4 weeks after grinding reduced or eliminated this inhibition. The relative protein value of heated or aged ground okra seed is 70% of a casein control. The relative protein value of okra seed protein compares favorably to that of other proteins from seeds.


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