Equipo editorial


Lucas N. Avilés, M.S., Professor

Vivian Carro-Figueroa, M.A., Sociologist

Wanda I. Lugo, M.S., Professor and Technical Editor

Arístides Armstrong, M.S., Entomologist

Ricardo Goenaga, Ph.D., Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS, Tropical Agriculture Research Station

Julia M. O‘Hallorans-Castillo, Ph.D., Associate Agronomist

María de L. Lugo-Torres, Ph.D., Weed Scientist

Lydia I. Rivera-Vargas, Ph.D., Phytopathologist

Abner A. Rodríguez-Carías, Ph.D., Professor

Jorge A. Santiago-Blay, Ph.D., Resident Research Associate, National Museum of Natural History