Harvesting and Storage Conditions for Pineapples of the Red Spanish Variety

How to Cite

Cancel, H. L. (1974). Harvesting and Storage Conditions for Pineapples of the Red Spanish Variety. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 58(2), 162–169. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v58i2.10675


Studies were conducted on the storage behavior of Red Spanish pineapples harvested at four apparently different levels of ripeness. The apparent ripeness classification was based on the yellow-orange area of the fruit. The pineapples were stored and subjected to different conditions of temperature and relative humidity. During storage, the samples were analyzed periodically for chemical constituents and subjected to sensory evaluations. Pineapples classified as "one-fourth-ripe" had a more acceptable rating as far as eating quality when compared with the "shipping green" stage now being harvested by local exporters. Simulated shipping storage conditions including a temperature of 45° F (7.2° C), a relative humidity ranging from 80 to 90 percent and proper air circulation for 7 days have been found to be acceptable for the "onefourth-ripe" fruit. This fruit can remain in very good salable condition for 9 additional days under supermarket conditions where temperatures of 60° F (15.6° C) and 75-percent relative humidities prevail.


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