Performance of New Sugarcane Varieties in the Lajas Valley Area

How to Cite

Ramírez-Oliveras, G., Pérez-Zapata, M., & González-Molina, C. (1978). Performance of New Sugarcane Varieties in the Lajas Valley Area. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 62(1), 39–47.


Three sites were selected in the Lajas Valley area of Puerto Rico for the performance evaluation of 50 new sugarcane varieties. A plant crop (fall planting) and two ratoon crops were harvested at each site. At the Santa Rita farm, located at the eastern part of the Lajas Valley, the outstanding varieties were: PR 61-902, CP 52-43, and PR 1140. PR 1140 and CP 52-43 are very promising due to their erect growth and good juice quality. At Cerrete farm, situated in the saline and poorly drained soils of the central section of the Valley, the outstand ing variety was NCo 310, which outyielded commercial varieties PR 980, PR 1013, and B 49-119 in tonnage and sucrose content. At the Lajas Substation, in the western end of the Valley, there were no differences in varietal performance for 18 of the 30 varieties tested. PR 61-902 had the best overall yield throughout the Valley .


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