Effect of Daminozide, Chlormequat Chloride and Ethephon on Tanier (Xanthosoma caracu Koch and Bouche) Yield and Yield Components

How to Cite

Beale, A. J., & Green, Jr., V. E. (1982). Effect of Daminozide, Chlormequat Chloride and Ethephon on Tanier (Xanthosoma caracu Koch and Bouche) Yield and Yield Components. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 66(2), 109–114. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v66i2.7653


The effects of foliar applications of daminozide (Alar), chlormequat chloride (Cycocel) and ethephon (Ethrel) on tanier (Xanthosoma caracu Koch & Bouché) yield and yield components were determined. Cycocel-treated plants developed more foliage and foliage of a darker green than the control 2.5 months after application. No significant differences in yield, in cormel size, or in number of cormels per ha were found among the treatments.
