The yield and total solids content of four onion cultivars were evaluated in a San Anton soil (Cumulic Haplustolls, fine-loamy, mixed, isohyperthermic) on the southern irrigated coastal plain of Puerto Rico. There was no significant difference in yield between Texas Grano 502 (26,953 kg/ha) and Hybrid F1 Granex 33 (27,686 kg/ha). Both significantly outyielded cultivars Dehydrator #4 (13,432 kg/ha) and White Creole (12, 135 kg/ha). White Creole was significantly superior in total solids content to Dehydrator #4, Hybrid F1 Granex 33 and Texas Grano 502. Bulbs of Texas Grano 502 and Hybrid F1 Granex 33 were significantly superior in mean weight to those of White Creole and Dehydrator #4.