Studies on Management of a Wild Yam (Dioscorea alata) and a Wild Tanier (Xanthosoma sp.)

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Abruña, F., Díaz, N., & Vicente-Chandler, J. (1981). Studies on Management of a Wild Yam (Dioscorea alata) and a Wild Tanier (Xanthosoma sp.). The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 65(1), 58–61.


A wild yam (Dioscorea alata) appears to be unaffected by insects or diseases and its vigorous growth smothers all weeds. Total production of over 40 t/ha of tubers, of which 30 t/ha were suitable for human consumption, were produced with the best planting system. Benching alone increased yields from 19.8 to 24.4 t/ha. Benching and staking increased marketable yields from 19.8 to 31.8 t/ha, and total yields from 26.4 to 41.9 t/ha. Higher yields were produced with 1 x 1 m than with 1 x 2 m spacing. Yields of a wild tanier cultivar harvested at 31 months after planting increased with closer spacing from 34.8 t/ha with 9,200 plants to 99.2 t/ha with 48,900 plants. Intermediate yields were obtained with intermediate spacings. Planting in beds did not increase yields over those for level planting. This root crop can be consumed by humans but is best used as pig feed.


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