Nitrogen Uptake and Growth of Irrigated Rice as Affected by Nitrogen Rates

How to Cite

Silva, S., & Vicente Chandler, J. (1984). Nitrogen Uptake and Growth of Irrigated Rice as Affected by Nitrogen Rates. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 68(4), 387–394.


Rice fertilized with 50, 100 and 150 kg of N/ha produced 5.0, 6.9 and 7.8 t/ha, respectively, of dry rough rice. Maximum uptake of N was 90, 124, and 148 kg/ha at the respective rates. At the rate of 100 kg of N/ha, uptake of N by the entire rice plant, including roots, was about 20 kg/ha during the first 4 weeks, 60 kg/ha during the following 2 weeks, and 40 kg/ha during the remainder of the cropping period. The N levels had no residual effects on a subsequent rice crop. About 66% of the first 50 kg/ha increment of N applied and 50% of the second increment were recovered in the rice plants in this experiment conducted in lysimeter tanks, with no losses by leaching.


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