Two field experiments, both with Cubanelle and Yollow Wonder peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), were conducted at the Juana Díaz Research and Development Center in 1981-82. Weeds were induced to grow through periodic irrigations for 16 days before peppers were transplanted. Either glyphosate or paraquat at 1.12 kg ai/ha were then applied to control emerging weeds in two separate experimental areas 5 days before setting out transplants. Oxyfluorfen at 1.12 kg ai/ha applied 2 days before transplanting peppers caused the highest phytotoxicity (significant at P=0.05) as recorded during 14, 28 and 42 days after treatment in both experiments. Neither alachlor (1.68 kg ai/ha), oxadiazon, trifluralin nor pendimethalin applied 2 days before transplanting at 1.12 kg ai/ha was phytotoxic to peppers. There were no significant differences in Cubanelle or Yollow Wonder pepper yields among herbicide treatments and handweeded check. The highest pepper yields (47,771 and 44,964 kg/ha) were obtained in plots treated initially with glyphosate and later by either paraquat directed postemergence spray or oxadiazon pre-transplant at 1.12 kg ai/ha each, respectively. In the other experiment, hand-weeded check and preplant application of paraquat at 1.12 followed by oxyfluorfen at 1.12 kg ai/ha were the highest yielders with 47,771 and 44, 964 kg/ha, respectively.