Restoration of productivity in tropical eroded soils under appropriate management

How to Cite

Abruña, F., & Lugo-López, M. A. (1987). Restoration of productivity in tropical eroded soils under appropriate management. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 71(1), 13–22.


Data present the importance of appropriate management, including fertilization, liming and addition of organic matter sources, to restore the productive potential of eroded soils in the humid tropics. Exposure to heat and drying and wetting cycles under field conditions rapidly improved the tilth of an exposed subsoil in one of the Orthoxic Tropohumults. Pangolagrass yields strongly responded to N, P, K, and sometimes to Ca applications. With proper fertilization the exposed subsoil produced 80% as much forage as the topsoil. Beneficial effects attributable to the use of filter press cake are reported. Tilling the subsoil had no effect on the rate at which pangolagrass covered the soil.


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