Cost of a drip irrigation system for vegetable farming in Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Persaud, T., Goyal, M. R., & Bellerive, P. (1988). Cost of a drip irrigation system for vegetable farming in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 72(1), 31–40.


This report presents the cost of a drip irrigation system for vegetable farming in Puerto Rico. The total initial cost of establishing an automatic drip irrigation system on a 4.36 hectare farm was $28,639.03, 10.79% of which was for pump house facilities; 3.1% for filter with accessories; 2.95% for chemigation facilities; 81.38% for in field materials; and 1.75% for installation. The first year cost per hectare was $1,976.72, which included depreciation, interest, maintenance and installation. A computer program was developed to calculate these costs.
