Comparison of Holstein, Charbray, and Zebu Bulls for beef production under rotational grazing II. Offal components and carcass composition


Dairy beef
Holstein bulls
Offal components
Carcass composition

How to Cite

Casas, A., Cianzio, D., & Rivera, A. (1997). Comparison of Holstein, Charbray, and Zebu Bulls for beef production under rotational grazing II. Offal components and carcass composition. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 81(3-4), 115–124.


After two complete grazing trials, 47 Holstein, Charbray and Zebu (mostly Brahman) bulls were processed for offal components, carcass traits and composition comparisons at an average liveweight (LW) of 545 kg. At the same LW the Holstein bulls had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) weight for the head (3.33% of LW), feet (2.47% of LW), liver (1.11% of LW), kidneys (1.29% of LW) and intestines (5.18% LW) than the Zebu and Charbray bulls, and a significantly longer leg (53.0 vs. 48.90 cm; P < 0.05) than the Charbray bulls. The Zebu bulls had the heaviest hide (P < 0.05) and smallest stomach weight (P < 0.05). The carcasses of the Holstein bulls had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) bone percentage (21.60 vs. 16.63, 17.46%) and a lower amount of fat than the Charbray and Zebu bulls, respectively. Charbray bulls presented greater loin eye area, total amount of muscle, muscle to bone+fat ratio and weight and percentage of the Biceps femoris, Gluteus, and Cuadriceps femoris muscles in the left-hindquarter (LH), than the Zebu and Holstein bulls (P < 0.05). Charbray and Zebu bulls showed greater (P < 0.05) thickness of the round (26.03, 25.85, vs. 24.03 cm), hot carcass and LH weight, total dissectible fat, dressing percentage, muscle to bone ratio, and weight of the Semimembranosus, Psoas major, Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus muscles than the Holstein bulls (P < 0.05). No significant differences (P > 0.05) were found among breeds for subcutaneous fat thickness and for the weights of fascia/tendon, trimming, carcass shrinkage, and for the forequarter weight and percentage of left side.


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