Plant population and pruning of pepper cultivars

How to Cite

Unander, D. W., Avilés-Rodríguez, L. N., Varela-Ramírez, F., & Acosta, A. (1991). Plant population and pruning of pepper cultivars. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 75(3), 199–204.


Seven cultivars of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), representing both frying and bell types, and open-poflinated and hybrid varieties, were planted at population levels of 35,878, 53,818, and 71,757 plants/ha. The lowest density is the conventional rate in Puerto Rico. They were planted af the Fortuna Substation, Juana Díaz, Puerto Rico. Irrigation was supplied throughout the dry season. After the fourth harvest, two replicates were pruned to 12 cm for a second crop. Planting density affected yield but not fruit size. There was a density x cultivar interaction at P = 0.09 for yield. Doubling the population increased yield 12 to 40%. Response to pruning was cultivar-specific. Total yield was 25 to 100% greater than yield before pruning. Both practices could serve as low capital innovations for the tropics.
