The growing of the eggplant Solanum melongena, is made difficult by the ravages of a great many insect peste, the worst of which is undoubtedly the lace-bug Corythaica monacha Stal. This bug is widespread over the Island and attacks the eggplant wherever it is grown, causing heavy damage when not controlled by spraying. It feeds normally on the so called wild eggplant, Solanum torvum, and it is on this plant that it is able to survive during the intervals between crops. Solanum torvum is one of the most abundant of weeds on the Island, growing luxuriantly in all parts and at all times, and it is undoubtedly owing to this fact that the lace-bug is so abundant. If it were dependent solely on the cultivated eggplant for its food supply it would soon die out, but as the eggplant is seldom grown at all times of the year even in the most favorable localities.