A list of the Coccidae of Porto Rico


Coccidae--Puerto Rico
Insect pests--Puerto Rico--Identification

How to Cite

Jones, T. H. (1917). A list of the Coccidae of Porto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 1(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v1i1.3298


From time to time various entomological workers have published references to the Coccidae of Porto Rico, but the list of twentythree species collected on the island in 1899 by Mr. August Busck is, so far as known to the writer, the only attempt ever made to enumerate the Porto Pican scale-insects. This list appeared in 1900 in Bulletin No. 22, new series, of the Division of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, the determinations having been made by Messrs. T. Pergande, T. D. A. Cocker ell, and 0. D. Marlatt, In connection with this list it is stated that only one coccid, Aspidiotus destructor, had been previously recorded from Porto Pico,. this being in a reference in the Canadian Entomologist for 1895, the material having been taken by Mr. J. D. Hall in the city of San Juan.
