African Rhino plantain clone (Musa AAB) behavior when using chicken manure as soil amendment and nematicides
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Chicken manure
Musa AAB

How to Cite

González-Vélez, A. (2012). African Rhino plantain clone (Musa AAB) behavior when using chicken manure as soil amendment and nematicides. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 96(3-4), 155–163.


The effects of chicken manure as a soil amendment and the application of nematicides on plant characteristics, yield and foliar nutrient content of the African Rhino plantain clone were evaluated. Chemical properties of the soil were monitored after chicken manure application. Chicken manure, at a rate of 25 t/ha, was incorporated during soil preparation. The nematicide treatment Included the use of etoprop at planting, followed by oxamyl at six and 12 months after planting. The application of chicken manure significantly increased the height and diameter of the pseudostem, reduced the number of days from planting to shooting, and increased bunch weight, and yield per hectare. With the use of chicken manure a yield of 34,242 kg/ha was obtained. This yield represents a 33% increase over that of the treatment without chicken manure. The use of nematicides significantly diminished the number of collapsed plants and Increased plantain yield. The use of chicken manure Increased the foliar content of N and Ca whereas the use of nematicide had no effect on any of the nutrient foliar content. The chemical properties of the soil (pH; organic matter; electric conductivity; N, P, K, Ca and Mg content) were not affected by the use of chicken manure.
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