Predatory and Parasitic Agents Attacking the Hippelates pusio Complex in Puerto Rico

How to Cite

Legner, E. F., & Bay, E. C. (1965). Predatory and Parasitic Agents Attacking the Hippelates pusio Complex in Puerto Rico. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 49(3), 377–385.


Hymenopterous parasites found attacking the Hippelates pusio complex in Puerto Rico in 1963 were Ooencyrtus submelallicus Howard (5 percent), Spalangia drosophilae Ashmead (2 percent), Spalangia nov. sp. (10 percent), Pteromalidae Genus sp. (9.9 percent), all pupal parasites; and a new species of Cynipidae, Trybliographa sp., a larval parasite (6.4 and 10.3 percent). An unidentified clear mite infested up to 6.1 percent of field-collected adults. Predacious ants were Tapinoma melanocephalum (F.), Monomorium pharaonis (L.), Wasmannia auropunctata (Reg.), Solenopsis geminata (F.), and Tetramorium guineense (F.).  Parasite activity was apparently not seasonal but was localized in the southwest portion of the Island.
