Further Evaluation of "Valsyn-Gel" in Treatment of Chronic Subclinical Mastitis

How to Cite

Rivera-Anaya, J. D., & Berrocal, C. M. (1963). Further Evaluation of "Valsyn-Gel" in Treatment of Chronic Subclinical Mastitis. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 47(4), 252–256. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v47i4.12962


Further studies on the evaluation of "Valsyn-Gel" were carried out, using both sterile and nonsterile preparations of this drug and comparing it with a drug of choice currently used in mastitis control. The object of the study was to obtain a clearer idea of the time-lapse between the treatment of a quarter until organisms showed again, by taking a series of samples of each treated quarter obtained consecutively at 3-day intervals up to 21 days posttreatment. Results showed that the therapeutic efficiency of the nonsterile product ranged from 86.4 percent 3 days after treatment to 63.6 percent 21 days after treatment. With the sterile product the efficiency ranged from 72.7 to 50.0 percent. The drug of choice, a chlortetracycline ointment, showed a higher efficiency than either of the two other products as evaluated. Nevertheless, it seems apparent that the preparations had a high therapeutic value for the first 9 to 12 days following treatment.
