Pineapple production is an important source of income for Puerto Rico. The pineapple plant suffers attacks from several pests, of which plant-parasitic nematodes seem to be most troublesome. In order to evaluate and compare methods for the control of this pest several experiments were conducted in 1951, giving excellent results. More experimentation was deemed necessary to reduce the dosage of the nematocides used and to try a different method of application e.g. split dosages. An experiment was conducted in 1957 in an effort to solve this problem. Excellent results were obtained in relation to growth and appearance of plants and to yield of fruits per acre. EDB and D-D applied in split dosages, and MC-2 were significantly better in pineapple production than single applications of the first two nematocides and the control. Production was increased at least 10 times as compared with the control. These results are significant because they show once more that plant-parasitic nematodes are one of the most important factors in determining pineapple production. When these are controlled, better yields are obtained, even in soils which are not the best for this crop. Furthermore, the dosage can be reduced with the application of the nematocides at two intervals before planting, thus increasing the efficiency of the nematocide and decreasing the cost of application. Further experimentation is needed in order to answer several as yet unanswered questions. Experimentation continues and several tests are underway.