A new name for alsophis antillensis

How to Cite

Grant, C. (1946). A new name for alsophis antillensis. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 30(2), 118–125. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v30i2.12868


Brongersma studied three cotypes of Psammophis antillensis Schlegel, which represented three species. From these he desired to select a lectotype in order to restrict Asaophis antillensis (Schlegel) to a single species. Acting on his right to select any of the three, he selected a Guadeloupe specimen to be the lectotype of Alsophis antillensis (Schlegel). His action left the Virgin Islands area population, which had long been known as A. antillensis, without a name, unless as Schmidt claimed, A. anegadae Barbour and the Virgin Islands area population were identical. If this were so, the entire population would become A. anegadae. The identity of the Anegada and Virgin Islands area populations has not been proven and there is good reason to believe them distinct. Alsophis nicholsi Grant, with Buck or Capella Islands as the type locality becomes Alsophis nicholsi nicholsi Grant, with intergrades on Water Island. The population on the remaining Virgin Islands, excepting Anegada and St. Croix, and on the islands and islets east of Puerto Rico, excepting Vieques, becomes Alsophis nicholsi richardi Grant.


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