Effect of nitrogen applications on the yields and composition of forage crops

How to Cite

Rodríguez, J. P. (1949). Effect of nitrogen applications on the yields and composition of forage crops. The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 33(3), 98–117. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v33i3.12839


This work gives useful information for the practical farmer. The production of green forage for feeding livestock, especially for dairy cattle, can be improved by the application of nitrogenous fertilizer at the proper time and in sufficient quantity to three important forage grasses. By the proper use of this information, green grasses high in protein can be made available in more ample quantities in the dairy farms of the Island than they are at present. That is, the daily farmers could actually raise or maintain better pastures and a larger number of heads of cattle than are now raised on the land used for pasture. Considering that Puerto Rico is very hard pressed for good agricultural lands, the possibility of increasing the production of animal products in the land now available for this purpose becomes of greatest importance. In addition, with proper management of their pasture or silage grasses, dairy farmers can cut down on their expenses for concentrated feeds by increasing the protein content of their grasses.
