On the occurrence of a tomato disease in Puerto Rico resembling big bud (Chlorogenous australiensis hol.)

How to Cite

Alvarez-García, L. A., & Adsuar, J. (1950). On the occurrence of a tomato disease in Puerto Rico resembling big bud (Chlorogenous australiensis hol.). The Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico, 34(4), 327–332. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v34i4.12828


The Puerto Pican type of tomato Big Bud disease is similar to that reported from Australia. The main difference in symptomatology lies in the absence of a pronounced bladder-like hypertrophy of the calyx of virus invaded flowers. Other slight differences between the Puerto Rican and Australian type of Big Bud could be possibly due to: 1) the existence of two distinct strains of the virus. 2) the influence of local environment on symptom manifestation.
